

Learn more about how eStar's proven platform enables retail brands to maximise their online sales opportunities.

Case studies

Building amazing online experiences

When eStar was selected by David Jones as the enterprise eCommerce technology of choice (in 2019) to power the David Jones eCommerce channel, the requirements for eStar were broader than just providing world-leading technology. eStar was selected to provide the eCommerce technology.

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An expanding partnership

Fashion retailer Country Road Group has been an eStar client since 2010 when it launched its first eCommerce platforms for both Country Road and Trenery. Following the 2013 acquisition of the Mimco and Witchery brands eStar’s eCommerce platform was chosen after an extensive evaluation process.

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Solving store fulfilment with eStar

Fulfilment is one of the most critical steps in the eCommerce customer journey. Briscoe Group approached eStar to help solve their store fulfilment challenges and the result was a new Order Management and Fulfilment module. Its improved delivery times and customer satisfaction.

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Loyalty and beyond with eStar

Air New Zealand went live with eStar eCommerce in 2019. The new loyalty store allows Air New Zealand and their Airpoints programme to build sustainable leadership as New Zealand’s most valuable loyalty scheme with a world-class eCommerce store making loyalty redemption seamless.

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Driving customer acquisition with eStar

Bed Bath & Beyond went live with eStar eCommerce in 2018. Online sales improved immediately, and sales performance has already seen significant growth over the previous year. The new digital store allows for their entire range to be presented online.

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Franchising and eCommerce work together at Stirling Sports

Franchise business models have unique and specific requirements. These requirements can cause a degree of complexity when it comes to eCommerce. eStar has designed and built a comprehensive solution to tackle this complexity.

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A Smart Move

Paul Carroll migrated from Magento to eStar eCommerce in late 2019. The smooth transition from an ageing solution to one that sets Paul Carroll up for future growth across four sites has been a smart move. The new sites give Paul Carroll the technology, partnership and confidence to grow digitally.

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Sacha Drake goes responsive with eStar

Confronted with customers increasingly clamouring for a better mobile experience, fashion retailer Sacha Drake looked to its eCommerce provider eStar for a solution. By implementing a responsive site, the company has met the demand from customers.

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100% Appliances boosts digital business with eStar

Recognising that its online presence was essential to the operation of over 50 nationwide franchise-owned stores, 100% Appliances looked to eStar to deliver an innovative online presence that met the needs of its members and customers.

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White papers

Business person using laptop

Dynamic Customer Trust Spectrum

Online fraud rates are increasing globally and unfortunately, much of it originates from legitimate, dishonest buyers.

The Dynamic Customer Trust Spectrum™ (DCTS™) is a ground-breaking new feature of RMProfiler for governing risk management workloads.

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Moody hands on computer keyboard


Defending against online fraud just got a whole lot easier.

Fraud today isn’t just stolen credit cards being used to order thousands of dollars’ worth of goods from far away countries. Online retail is facing online fraud that is typically much closer to home and can be for any purchase value with any payment method.

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Moody hands on computer keyboard

Online Fraud

There’s nothing friendly about online fraud

Most of us think of online fraud to be all about stolen credit cards ordering thousands of dollars of goods from far away countries. The reality is that online fraud is much closer to home, can be any purchase value with any purchase method. Online fraud is carried out by people (not credit cards!) and much of it originates from legitimate buyers.

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The fold on various devices

Create Amazing Online Experiences

10 principles required to create amazing online experiences

For retailers to deliver amazing online experiences, they need to sell the way the consumer wants to purchase.The following 10 principles, when working together, drive this overlap, grow conversion rates and improve online experiences to “amazing” levels.

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Bed Bath & Beyond home page

The Homepage

Best practice principles for the homepage

This whitepaper delivers a high-level commentary into the best practice treatment for the homepage.

Each page element is scrutinised and analysed to justify its placement, its treatment, and its behaviour in a way that contributes to creating amazing online experiences for consumers.

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Two men discussing what is on a computer screen

The 11th Principle

How employees, props, and processes help create amazing online experiences

So why is the 11th principle so important? The answer comes down to the online experience being an impersonal medium and consumers are craving more. Euromonitor’s economic/consumer trend experts are calling it ‘Experience More’. This is a ‘mega trend’ they are calling out.

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Woman with a face mask on a laptop

Retail for the new world

The world has changed and has done so at an alarming rate.

Retailers around the world are seeking advice and guidance as to what the future consumer will look like, what changes are required to survive and grow in this new world which continues to evolve at pace. The issue at present, is published material is fragmented.

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eStar inventory

Avoid over and under-selling

How near real-time inventory management is key for profitability

An accurate view of inventory is a must when providing your online channels with an exact level of availability.

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Woman shopping for clothing

Go beyond Click & Collect

Fulfil online orders from stores and drive even better customer and business outcomes

It has never been more important to make the most from your physical stores. With a massive transition to online it makes more sense than ever to use your stores as fulfilment locations.

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Times Square

COVID Playbook

Are you struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing expectations of the "COVID Consumer"?

This guide outlines the challenges faced by retailers in the new retail world brought about by COVID-19. The downloadable playbook is designed to support your consumer evaluation process and help you identify a clear path forward for your eCommerce strategy.

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Woman browsing Faux website with credit card in hand

Maximum Discoverability

SEO, social media and mobile strategies for success

This guide documents the importance of SEO success for retailers and how the eCommerce platform plays a critical role in ensuring your digital store is easily discoverable for your customers.

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Devices displaying Faux website and admin dash

Bye Bye Magento

Finding an alternative to Magento

This guide outlines the challenges faced by retailers evaluating their eCommerce platform options with support for Magento 1.x versions ending in June 2020 and help with your evaluation process.

Learn why eStar is a proven alternative for retail eCommerce players.

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Hand drawn wireframe sketch

Retail Strategy starts with Digital

The role of eCommerce in influencing sales and growth for retailers

Smart retailers understand that the digital store, once a nice to have supplement to your retail business, is now the crux of your retail strategy, otherwise they are setting themselves up for a precarious market position.

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Globe projecting out of a mobile

Global Expansion Guide

Five Pillars of Internationalisation

As local markets become crowded with both local and multinational competition, retailers are increasingly looking to international markets to achieve growth. In this paper, eStar discusses the Five Pillars that will help retailers succeed in expanding to new international markets.

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Bottle store employee on tablet

B2B eCommerce Discovery

What are the key considerations in enablind your business for the larger online B2B market?

The usually-overlooked wholesale (B2B) aspect of eCommerce is coming to a head. Worldwide, the B2B eCommerce market is more than twice the size of the B2C market.

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Women using mobile phone while holding shopping bags

Ultimate Customer Experience

How order management and fulfilment can deliver a competitive advantage to grow sales

Popular discussion about managing retail fulfilment, typically consists of articles about robots managing warehouses or drones delivering goods to your door.

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