
eStar vs. Magento

eStar vs. Magento

eStar logo

Magento logo

Continuous Platform Updates

Platform updates and upgrades are applied automatically.

Everyone is on the same “version”.

Platform updates and upgrades made available, but will need to be managed by the client.

Upgrade Path

No need for upgrades. Updates and new features rolled out into the platform automatically.

Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x is a replatform.

PCI-DSS Level 1 Compliance

PCI-DSS Level 1 Certified

Merchants are responsible for ensuring PCI compliance. Magento enables compliance through payment gateway integrations.



“Magento…was the target of choice for attackers … accounting for 85% of compromised systems.”[1]


Annualised application availability exceeds 99.98% across all clients.

“…we have not had one minute of downtime with eStar, not a second.” – Taking Shape

Dependent on the client's hosting provider.

Internal Technical Team Required



Beyond Platform Technology: Retail and Digital Strategy Expertise

eStar‘s fully-integrated eCommerce platform is implemented by a large team with exceptional retail, eCommerce, and digital strategy expertise.

Magento provides an Open Source eCommerce platform. Implementation and management of the platform, and other services, are dependent on the system integrator chosen or internal team established by the client.

[1] Trustwave Global Security Report 2016

Learn more here

Posted inDigital Strategy
