
Virtual Stock Write Downs

In today’s challenging retail environment, the accuracy of inventory tracking is paramount to successful operations. An inaccurate inventory position can lead to repeated picking attempts for items that aren’t available, frustrating store staff, slowing down the order fulfillment process, and potentially impacting customer satisfaction. To address these challenges, Viare’s Order Management System (OMS) support a feature known as Virtual Write-Down.

The Challenge of Inventory Discrepancies in Fulfillment

Order routing depends heavily on an accurate inventory count. In retail environments where products are stored across multiple locations, discrepancies between the system’s inventory position and the actual on-hand stock are common. These errors can occur due to shrinkage, misplaced products, or delayed stock updates. When the system incorrectly assumes an item is in stock, it may route an order to a location that can’t fulfill it. Store teams then find themselves attempting to pick the product, potentially multiple times, wasting valuable resources and delaying fulfillment.

What Are Virtual Stock Write-Downs?

Viare’s Virtual Stock Write-Downs solution temporarily adjusts the inventory position of items that are not currently available at a dispatch location during the picking process. This means that if an item cannot be fulfilled, the order doesn’t need to be cancelled. Instead, it is automatically redirected back to the Global Order Pool for picking from an alternative dispatch point, until the inventory discrepancy is resolved. This approach drastically reduces the short pick percentage, preventing repetitive, futile picking attempts and saving the store team from unnecessary admin work.

Key Benefits of Virtual Stock Write-Downs

1. Preventing Repeated Picking Attempts

By adjusting the inventory position, the Virtual Write-Down feature saves store staff from repeatedly attempting to fulfill orders they simply cannot complete. This allows the team to focus on orders that can be fulfilled accurately and without frustration.

2. Improving Store Efficiency and Reducing Administrative Burden

By minimizing unproductive picking attempts and enabling automatic re-routing, the Virtual Write-Down feature helps store teams operate more efficiently. Less time spent on administrative tasks allows staff to focus on more critical tasks, ultimately enhancing store productivity and contributing to a smoother customer experience.

3. Enhanced Inventory Accuracy and Data Insights

The Virtual Write-Downs are logged and reported, allowing store managers and inventory teams to gain valuable insights into where and why inventory discrepancies occur. This data can help them address recurring issues and make more permanent adjustments to inventory counts if needed, leading to better overall inventory accuracy across all locations.

4. A Smarter Way to Manage Inventory Discrepancies

Viare’s Virtual Write-Down feature exemplifies the power of proactive order management, where inventory and order fulfillment are dynamically adjusted to reflect real-world conditions. This capability not only streamlines the order process but also ensures that inventory discrepancies are flagged and addressed, fostering a more accurate and reliable inventory system.

If you’re ready to enhance your order management processes and improve order fulfillment efficiency, contact Viare today to learn more about how our solutions can drive success in your retail business.

Posted inOrder Management and Fulfilment


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